Halo halo!!
I've been feeling unwell for days. I think it's been more than 2 weeks that I caught cold. It was started when I attended my uni's graduation, and I came home drenched because of the night rain. And I've been coughing and sneezing all the time, plus sometimes I'm having nausea and fever.
Walao! So mendokusae...
Luckily I'm getting better now because I started to have medicine and vitamin C for addition. Expect me in full fitness in the coming days, yay!
So what's the update?
For starters, I got a new laptop now! My old asus laptop got broken because.. err.. things I've done.. well it wasn't my fault! *tsundere mode*
Now I use a low-profile lenovo laptop, good enough for typing and daily browsing, although the keyboard's somewhat not fulfilling to my preference. I keep mistyped by having a letter less. I don't know, maybe I should really smash it hard to the bottom lol.
How's my thesis doing? well coming home from the graduation really otivates me much to my thesis progress. Nah I'm lying. The reason I started to type again it's because I have no money left that I begin to wonder if I had a better job, I'd be in not such position like this, lol. I don't mind about degree when I can make money, but lately my business doesn't do good.. or maybe.. it's because of my high expenses on yu-gi-oh cards. HAHA XD
So yeah talking about yu-gi-oh, i didnt qualified for the Jakarta's Grand Tournament which is sad. But I have othr choice since I kept getting strucked with bad luck before the final qualifier match, and decide to not particiapate in it. I'll take a shot in the OSD GT next month!