It was half past midnight already that I decided to call it a day and end my day a little bit less than usual.
It wasn't a day that supposed to be ended quite heavily--we spent time together to a place that she really would love to go. But something doesn't feel right, even when I looked into her face. She looks uneasy, and I can't be deceived by her words that says "everything is fine" to me.
I barely finished my fried noodle when the guys have ended their game. So I took back what's usually mine--my computer spot-- and decides to put down the beast into its deep sleep.
There should be nothing wrong with that night, except because what happened before.
I was tired. Really got tired of the trip to PRJ. Not because it is just far, but it's because the amount of people and the frenetic that comes within. I dislike that kind of place and I don't enjoy being there for a long time. But everything would be an exception, if it is for you my dear.
As we arrived at her place, I can't see myself but to got wasted and maybe have a quick nap before I should be going back to my place.
"Can I stay here tonight instead?"
No.. not because I want anything else, instead truly an expression of fright if I get oversleep at her place.
But then, insisting on her own that I should be going right away without knowing the reason why. Feeling a little bit broken heart, she offered me her cooking. I can not see myself doing anything else, but to prepare to leave. But yes, leaving after her cooking would be much much better. I love her cooking so much. As I have myself get prepared with my socks on, and sits down on the couch patiently waiting for her and the food.
She turned around and saw me in another way. "Let me help you get a rider."
The way I see it is that she really wants me to leave right away.
It is clear to me how pitiful the way I leave that night. I'm heavy as I looked drunk, while I heard she closes the door as soon as I walked away from her place. The sound of that closing door really shattered my heart away. I was not meant to be there I thought.
As I barely arrived at my place, I decided to order a fried noodle and wait for quite a long time. In the middle, she texted me saying she would end her day and go to sleep. I was about to type and saying good night to her, when my phone decides not to do so. It ran out of battery. I looked into the starless night sky, praying that God would grant her a sweet dream and keep her night safe like I usually do.
As my computer shuts down. I took my blanket and tried to cover most of its tiny part to cover my sleepy body. My head was numb, because the lack of sleep and tiredness that I get. My eyes were quite heavy because of them. But putting my final check of my system, I decided to look at my being-charged-for-a-while phone and got myself a text message.
It was surprising to me to see a message that calls how she ended with the worst condition. Begging to me is her friend that asked me to visit her and to look at her. Then again, of course I find things quite fishy down there but I couldn't care less if it's about her. I had to be there, as soon as I can!
Being in the state of a bad condition myself, I tried to be calm and bring out of options that I can do at that time. Telling my friends who stayed in my place, and having them support me by lending out his motorcycle. I can not thank you enough for friends like these.
To be honest, I don't want to write about this story anymore.. I think I left the last part for about 7 months.